Dental Implants

Dental implant is a titanium screw system used to make prosthesis for the missing teeth. Today, it is one of the most prefered dental treatment methods. If a single tooth is missing, without touching the adjacent teeth, a missing tooth can be completed. If many teeth are missing, fixed prosthesis can be used instead of mobile prosthesis.

If there are no teeth, it is possible to fix the mobile prosthesis which is very difficult to use in the lower jaw which can come out easily. It has a very high usage rate and success percentage in dentistry since it can be applied to all teeth from single tooth reduction. Dental implants are the new standard of care for tooth replacement.

Can I Trust My Implants?

Dental implant treatment is completely safe when the planning is made and performed by your trusted and experienced dentist. The success of the treatment depends on the good adaptation of your implant and prothesis. With all these conditions, implants are safe and can be used for a lifetime.

Can Implants Be Applied To Every Patient?

With today’s dental implant technology, implant treatment can be used in most patients, including a few contraindications:

  • Oral Cancer
  • Some Systemic Diseases
  • Severe Bone Loss
  • Patient’s age (under 18)

Is the Implant Brand Important?

ABSOLUTELY YES! You must be sure about which implant brand is applied to your mouth. Otherwise, in the long term period you may have some problems contacting the implant company.

In our clinic world-wide known implant brands have been used for many years (Dentsply Implants, Straumann Implants, Megagen, Osstem). These brands provide lifetime guarantee for patients. 

How Many Sessions Are Needed For Implant Treatment?

Two sessions are needed. Your first session is an oral examination and x-ray (panoromic+CT) planning. Implants will be applied in the second session. Recuperation takes a few months.

Please contact your doctor for more information…

Dental Implants