Root Canal Treatments

Root Canal Treatments is done when the nerve of a tooth is affected by decay or infection, in order to save the tooth. We can finsh the treatment in the same session if there is no chronic infection. The latest technology and devices are being used in our clinic.

  • How Successful Are Root Canals?

Root Canal Treatment is highly successfull at a 95% success rate. Most of the teeth that have had a root canal can stay in mouth for a lifetime.

  • How Painful Is A Root Canal?

Patients don’t feel any pain during a root canal treatment as it is done under local anasthesia.

  • How Will I Feel After the Treatment?

You may feel sensivity due to tissue inflamation for the first few days, if there was infection before the procedure. This sensivity/pain may be controlled easily with painkillers such as İbuprofen, Paracetamol, Naproxen… 

Most patients can return to their normal life the same day.

Please contact your doctor for more information…

Root Canal Treatments