Implant Supported Dentures

Dental implant is a titanium screw system used to make prosthesis for the missing teeth. Today, it is one of the most preferred dental treatment methods.

If a single tooth is missing, without touching the adjacent teeth, a missing tooth can be completed. 

If many teeth are missing, fixed prosthesis can be used instead of mobile prosthesis. 

If there are no teeth, fixing  the mobile prothesis to the lower jaw is difficult because they can come out easily. This treatment procedure contains removable prothesis which are seated on 2-4 implants. These type of prothesis are not easy to use at first but after adaptation of your mouth, you will feel very comfortabe. They have to be cleaned after every meal.

Every 12-18 months, you need to get your prothesis checked by your dentist, to see if a lining procedure needs to be done.

It has a very high usage rate and success percentage in dentistry since it can be applied to all teeth from single tooth reduction to no teeth at all. 

Dental implants are the new standard of care for tooth replacement.

Please contact your doctor for more information…

Implant Supported Dentures